Do you want to know how companies are going to hire employees through e-learning apps in the future? Then read the article till the end.
The rush for tech-driven education has been ramping up swiftly during the pandemic. An unexpected change in the world forced the education system to take creative steps, and that led to an e-learning platform.
The e-learning platform isn’t new to the world. Even before the pandemic, there were several websites and apps offering several courses — but recently, with the pandemic, it gained momentum.
The momentum doesn’t seem to be ending soon, at least not until we find a vaccine for COVID-19. The world is not safe anymore for social activities. Especially for schools, colleges, universities, malls, restaurants, pubs, etc.
In these unpredictable times, all we can do is learn how to adapt to the new technologies that won’t disrupt our daily activities because of the pandemic.
On this note, I want to remind you of one famous quote that I always remember when I am stuck in a rut — “desperate times call for desperate measures.”
The first thing that comes to people’s minds is that it is going to replace their jobs. I don’t know why people always fear that technology is going to cut jobs. Yes, technology has replaced many jobs, but technology has generated so many new jobs that we never thought of before.
Whether you admit it — technology is here to make our jobs easier, easy. AI can give us a lot more data than what a teacher can do in one hour. Of course, the teacher's importance won’t subside with AI involvement. Without teachers mentoring students, it is impossible to run schools and colleges with complete AI-driven education.
AI can only replace repeated work and gathering data on the internet. Mentoring students is one of the important things in an education system. As we replace our repeated tasks with AI, we can focus more on the effective methods to educate students rather than on mediocre methods that have been hampering our education system.
We all know the lousy condition of the education system in the world, especially in a country like India where the number of students to teachers ratio is much worse than what it should be.
It is difficult to look after a bunch of students with just one teacher. In fact, the ratio of 24:1 student-teacher ratio is worse than Brazil and China’s 19:1.
China, with a relatively larger population than India, is doing better in the student-teacher ratio. It is a favorable time that India adopts this tech-driven education system in order to kill these outdated education policies. The lower student-teacher ratio not only affects the time spent on each student, but it also shows an impact on research-driven education.
India already spends a much lesser percentage of GDP than Pakistan on education. Of course, recently with NEP 2020, it has changed. But these policies are as good as the system allows them to be. Unless we adopt a tech-driven education, the student-teacher ratio will not improve dramatically in the upcoming years.
By now, you might have understood the gravity of tech-driven education, and how important it is that we should adopt an AI-driven education in order to mend the current education.
The benefits of AI in education are multiple, and the following are some of them:
Above are some advantages of AI education. Anyway, we will look at the future of AI education in the next section.
The future of AI-enabled education is dazzling. Whatever the advantages I have mentioned are just the tip of an iceberg. As we explore AI education further, it will show us many advantages that we never thought of before.
Remember, the more data you feed to the machine, the better the AI is going to work. In the future, the intensity of data is only going to increase, so obviously, you will see the data being improved and get updated daily.
With the current system, updating the current syllabus is very challenging. Because of this issue, the students are lagging in technology. As we all know, technology is improving quickly.
In order to keep up with the current pace, it is important that we update information from time to time. In this situation, the AI system is one of the effective methods to update the students about the data and information about the latest technologies.
If someone updates some information on the latest technology, then everyone will get to know about it instantly instead of waiting for an updated syllabus in the next year. This way, we can speed up the education and learning process very quickly. For more information, you can look at this research paper.
If this is not enough to captivate your attention to AI education, then the following news will.
Do you remember the first line of this article? Yes, I said companies are going to hire employees through e-learning apps, but I didn’t tell you how it is possible.
Well, since e-learning apps know about you in and out through education, it is easy for employers to know your strengths and weaknesses, plus points and minus points, core departments and non-core departments, achievements and setbacks, success and failure all these are embedded in the apps without you telling them what your strengths are.
It is not only effective for employers to recruit but also beneficial for people who are good with subject knowledge but not able to express it explicitly.
However, this is just speculation about the future. Recruitment may or may not be possible, but the future of AI education is inevitable and looks certain at some point in time after COVID-19.
AI education is not only good for students but also good for teachers. Hopefully, we will see a tech-driven education in the coming days for a brighter future.
Hello there! I'm Jayesh Chaubey, a passionate and dedicated content writer at Infiniticube Services, with a flair for crafting compelling stories and engaging articles. Writing has always been my greatest passion, and I consider myself fortunate to be able to turn my passion into a rewarding career.
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