Build, Test & Deploy Faster Than Ever With Our Reliable DevOps Services.
Now with the help of Infiniticube’s comprehensive DevOps services, get your applications delivered at the pace of your business.
Infinticube employs DevOps best practices to streamline software development, process automation, infrastructure management and monitoring to deliver faster and more reliable software.
The DevOps culture helps Engineers to deploy features at a faster pace, hence this helps your organization to adapt market changings and innovate faster for your customers.
With the help of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) the software release process from build to deploy can be automated. This automated process helps tech teams to release fixes or new features quickly, so your business can respond to your customers’ needs at a rapid pace.
DevOps culture ensures the quality of code with the implementation of quality gate check, real time infrastructure monitoring and logging. All these practices help your operations team to deliver a positive experience for your customers.
Microservices and automation helps you manage your complex/changing system efficiently. With the help of infrastructure as code, you can manage your infrastructure and development processes at scale.
DevOps culture brings all teams together that helps you to build a more accountable and effective team. For example when developers and operations teams collaborate, it helps in reducing inefficiencies by creating a combined workflow.
The DevOps model also integrates QA & Security teams with the complete development cycle. This integration helps everyone in the team to focus on security which is referred to as DevSecOps. With DevSecOps you can move quickly by automating compliance policies.
We employ DevOps best practices that include process automation, streamlining software development and infrastructure management. Our best practices will help your organization to deliver faster and more reliable software deployments.
CI helps developers to regularly merge their code into a centralized repository, which automate builds. The benefits of CI are QA can find bugs quicker, improve software quality and this leads to less validation time.
After developers merge code via CI, CD automates deploying all code changes to a testing environment and/or production environment after the build stage. With proper CD implementation and a build that has passed through a standardized test process; developers will always have a deployment ready build artifact.
All modern applications are built on microservices architecture. This architecture breaks the big application into small individual services. Each service runs in its own process and communicates with other services via an HTTP-based API. It gives you freedom to choose different programming languages for the individual services.
In this DevOps practice infrastructure is managed using software development and coding techniques such as version control and continuous integration. The cloud’s API driven model enables system admins/engineers to interact with the infrastructure programmatically instead of setting up configuration manually. As infrastructure is defined by code so infrastructure and servers can be quickly deployed and duplicated.
This DevOps practice measures applications and infrastructures performance by monitoring, capturing, categorizing and analyzing data and logs. These logs help to find the root cause of the problems of applications and infrastructures. By creating real-time alerts helps the operations team to address infrastructure problems more proactively that leads to less downtime.
The key aspect of DevOps culture is engaging different teams of the organization to achieve the product goal. By using DevOps tools and automation of the software delivery process that brings workflow of operation and development together. To facilitate the communication smoothly DevOps integrate different apps such as project tracking tools, wikis and chat applications.
For different aspects of DevOps, we use a suite of tools that helps teams to rapidly and reliably deploy apps for the end users. These tools automate manual tasks, manage complex environments at scale and help engineers to develop products efficiently.
DevOps reduces development cycles by efficiently delivering product features. The high deployment frequency will help your organization to adopt customer requests quickly.